One thing to do when your co-workers talks negative shit about you in a group

Kate Phillips
Oct 5, 2020


When your co-worker talks negative about you in a group of people, i know it is pretty hard to still smile and continue the conversation.

1. Don’t act innocent. Give them what they deserve!

Be bold and give them what they worth it. Either you work at google or amazon or any other well paying companies do not loose your worth.

I am not saying get into a physical fight or verbal abuse. Give what they deserve means: tell him/her of that they are crossing limits and they are making a hostile work place. If this happens again you will take it manager or disciplinary board for appropriate action. Yes, you heard me you have to tell this on their face in at that instinct.

Ignore it right after you gave them a nice hearing.

And you did it! now time for moving on! ignore everything, continue a different conversation with a smile and leave the place as if nothing happened. This will let other determine that you are bold enough to maintain the tranquility of your mind.

